My plans to take over the world

Good morning to all of you members of The Razor Gang!

Things are looking up here at Dacka’s Razor with a potential new multimedia career opening up as we speak, type, read or whatever it is that you do on the internet.

Hang on, I dont think I really want to know what some of you do on the internet in the dark of night.

OK, back to my plans for World Domination™

That’s right, The Razor is no longer content with thrusting my opinionated thoughts out in the blogosphere, I am planning to take the media world by storm or at least a slight sprinkle to start off with and working my way up from there.

I’m in discussions at the moment with an unnamed benefactor about commencing a weekly podcast that will be aired on a soon to be launched private internet radio station thingy. Ohhhhh… doesn’t that sound exciting?!

I’ve also set up a new dedicated Twitter feed @DackasRazor, so if you’re into all things twitty be sure to follow my feed as I will be concentrating on things with a political / current affairs slant via that dedicated feed.

Onwards and upwards my friends and comrades in arms!  Let us continue our fight to Cut through the Spin

The Razor has been a bit blunt lately

Reading reports of The Goose’s superannuation “reforms” and Gillard’s claims that a Rhodes Scholar with an Economics degree was an “economic simpleton” would be enough to make anyone feel like their head was going to explode.

As much as I would like to blame them I’m really not sure that it was reading about Gillard and her moronic gang of cronies that did me in, more likely just a serious dose of the common head cold that has caused me to lay low for the last few days.

So, sorry for the recent lack of posts guys…

But the good news for The Razor Gang (that’s you guys) is that I’ve busted out the whet stone (and some cold and flu tablets) to grind away those dull edges in my mind.

Tomorrow morning will see Dacka’s Razor back in full swing, cutting through the sinew and gristle of the Australian media to bring you all a few tasty bones to chew on.

Until tomorrow, hang tight.

Cheers… Dacka