I’ll be incommunicado for a while

My wife and I have just had our first child on Saturday so the posts will be a bit light on for a little while.

Xavier James Dackiewicz was born 20th July 2013, which coincidently was my 40th birthday, weighing 6lbs 13oz.  Healthy, happy and pretty hungry!

Hats off to my lovely wife, who pushed herself through 25hrs of labour to give the little man the gift of life.  Yet another reason for me to admire and love her.

The whole amazing experience made me realise how tough and resilient she is, as I don’t know if I could have gone through that amount of pain and discomfort myself.

I have moved into proud and besotted dad mode pretty quickly, which isn’t all that surprising really. Our little man has been a long time coming.

Very happy man, if not just a little sleep deprived at the moment.