What type of format do you prefer to see on Dacka’s Razor?

mr-busy-webAs I mentioned in my previous post, things are a little hectic in the Dacka household at the moment, which has resulted in me being a little irregular with my posts.

There are so many things going on, not only in my life, but also in the world that I would dearly love to comment on but unfortunately I am struggling for time to post at will like I used to.

I need to not only determine a set publishing timeframe but also understand what type of post format you prefer to read.

I do love to refer to an issue and then give my own detailed viewpoint on it, but I also read quite extensively and as a result I come across a good number of items on other blogs and in the papers that I feel deserve and need wider circulation in order to break through the MSM blockade.

Let me know what type of post format you prefer so that I can integrate that with the results from the previous poll to determine a posting format and timetable that people are interested in.

Once again, please vote so that I can tailor things to your preferences.

Cheers… Dacka