Rumblings about Gillard being deposed

018505-gillard-ruddThis just in from Andrew Bolt and The Australian.

Following discussion this morning on The Insiders, there are fresh rumours that Julia Gillard may be about to be deposed in favour of Kevin Rudd.

PM replaced before election?

Key backers, rumoured to include Bill “I support whatever the Prime Minister says even though I dont know what she said” Shorten, are said to be “wobbling” in their support, especially given the rock star reception afforded Kevni when he visited Geelong on Friday.

Could Labor possibly be prepared to swap back to the man they described as a raging, psychopathic egomaniac?

Would the voting public be so stupid to vote back in a man said to be so dysfunctional that no one wanted to work with him?

Personally, I would like nothing better than to see the back of Julia Gillard, but I desperately would like the voting public afforded the chance to send her on her way themselves, not another coup by Labor’s Faceless Men.

Watching Gillard deliver her speech conceding the election to Abbott would be priceless and worth every second of the 98 days that we would have to endure until that delicious moment could eventuate.

So what does the manual say about the polls Joel?

From Andrew Bolt comes a startling insight from former Labor Chief Whip, Joel Fitzgibbon, into the joke that Labor has become, even to those inside Labor itself.

When asked whether he was shattered about todays Newspoll results that show Labor almost beyond salvation Mr Fitzgibbon pulls out the official Labor playbook to give the suggested response to any questions  relating to the disastrous figures.

And laughs. OMG could this bunch be any WORSE?

I think we know the answer, but lets go to the tape.

The poll that Kochie is referring to is the latest Newspoll which clearly shows that Labor’s support is falling faster than a lead balloon and is heading to Tarago country.

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We’re Labor, the fresh start people

Once, twice, three times the lady known as Ms Gillard has steered the Labor party towards a fresh start… At what we’re not sure but it sure isn’t Stabilidy and Cerdundy like we were all promised.

Especially with five senior Ministers and a host of up and comers… who have now gone actually.

Labor, the fresh start people


Labor Lemons

The Liberals clearly aren’t wasting any time addressing the ALP’s constant leadership speculation, with a remix of their “Kevin O Lemon” advert from several years ago.

With the election not too far away and with Labor’s continual policy failures such as Nicola Roxon’s Discrimination and Human Rights Bill and Stephen Conroy’s recent Media Regulation Bill, the Liberals will barely even have to try to write their upcoming campaign adverts.

Labor is just too good at illustrating exactly how bad they are themselves on a daily basis now.

It really doesn’t matter who’s actually at the helm of the ALP, because their policies are clearly what’s hurting this country.