Tony Abbott on Freedom at the IPA 70th Anniversary

Tony Abbott’s impressive speech at the Institute of Public Affairs’ (IPA) recent 70th anniversary celebration.

He lauds the defending of freedoms that many of freedom’s opponents wish to restrict or howl down with vitriol, and the contribution of both the IPA and Evil Rupert™ to Australia.

He also outlines some of the Liberals platform on serious policy issues that confront Australia now and into the future.

James Patterson of the IPA explains the media regulation proposal

James Patterson, Communications Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, is a very impressive (dare I say it and betray my age) young man who one day will no doubt have a long career in politics, should he chose to take that path.

But at the moment he is at the forefront of the resistance to Senator Conroy’s media regulation “reforms” and here he calmly explains exactly why these “reforms” are a drastic overreach by Senator Conroy and Prime Minister Julia Gillard.