What type of format do you prefer to see on Dacka’s Razor?

mr-busy-webAs I mentioned in my previous post, things are a little hectic in the Dacka household at the moment, which has resulted in me being a little irregular with my posts.

There are so many things going on, not only in my life, but also in the world that I would dearly love to comment on but unfortunately I am struggling for time to post at will like I used to.

I need to not only determine a set publishing timeframe but also understand what type of post format you prefer to read.

I do love to refer to an issue and then give my own detailed viewpoint on it, but I also read quite extensively and as a result I come across a good number of items on other blogs and in the papers that I feel deserve and need wider circulation in order to break through the MSM blockade.

Let me know what type of post format you prefer so that I can integrate that with the results from the previous poll to determine a posting format and timetable that people are interested in.

Once again, please vote so that I can tailor things to your preferences.

Cheers… Dacka

What day do you like to read Dacka’s Razor?

11280504-cartoon-illustration-of-busy-businessmanOK so I have been a been a bit haphazard with the regularity of posts lately here at the Razor.

I am sorry for that, but I have quite a few things going in my life right at this very moment…

My wife and I are eagerly awaiting our first child, who is only about 6 weeks away, so we are busily readying the nursery and other bits and pieces around the house as well as attending the normal array of doctor appointments and the like.

On top of that, I am also busy working on getting my own business off the ground.  As anyone who has also gone through this process will understand, there are so many elements to this that it is taking up a lot of my time and energy.

To cap all of this activity off, I am also working at nights during the week in an effort to keep the money rolling in while my business is in it’s infant stages.

Phew!  So much to do and so little time!

So what I would like members of the Razor Gang (that’s you, my avid readers and followers!) to tell me is what day you would prefer to read Dacka’s Razor.

Please vote and let me know!

Cheers… Dacka