Dear Leader’s carbon neutral energy policy

Courtesy of Samuel J over at Catallaxy Files comes this great find, exclusive footage of Kevni Jong Il announcing his new carbon neutral energy policy for Australia. (Slight language warning)

Classic! Best impersonation of Dear Leader that I have seen yet.

Funny thing is, it’s not too far from the truth!

Are these hacks for real?

Andrew Bolt has an interesting post this morning on Rudd cooling on global warming but it is his update on what the new Treasurer Chris Bowen that really gets my goat.

Bolt’s update clearly illustrates Labor’s hypocrisy and deceit when it comes to major policy platforms.

As usual Bolt nails it in one, so instead of trying to paraphrase a message that is so succinct I will just leave it to the Bolta…

I’m watching Treasurer Chris Bowen on Meet the Press telling us the carbon tax should go to meet “cost of living” pressures. Telling us that switching to world prices – now just under $6 a tonne – will cut our power bills, and that this is good.

I’m gobsmacked by the utter gall. Astonished that the reporters just nod at the latest version of wisdom from Labor.

This from the Labor Government which earlier:

– passed the carbon tax precisely to increase electricity prices and make us cut emissions,

– spent the last year claiming the carbon tax wasn’t actually a big deal in driving up power prices, anyway.

– swore Australia’s carbon tax wasn’t ahead of the rest of the world, and world prices would soon match it.

– insisted global warming was “the great moral challenge of our generation”, requiring a carbon tax set at a minimum of $23 a tonne to drive the cuts in emissions we needed.

All crap, from a party of liars.

This latest change dumps what Labor wrought just a year ago, at amazing expense and accompanied by massive government advertising. And we’re supposed to applaud its wisdom now that it’s proved an expensive disaster?

Labor are nothing but political weathervanes swinging with the wind.

Just as fickle and just as fleeting as the breeze that blows.


World’s highest carbon prices just got higher

The money shot is the collective smiles on the faces of Kev Jong Il and The Real Julia as the walked out of Parliament after securing the vote to legislate that what they promised would never be.

How many businesses have closed since the implementation of Labor and the Greens carbon tax?

How many people have lost their jobs?

How much has our power bills gone up?