Well, that’s all settled… or is it?


Julia Gillard’s leadership battles are all over, done and dusted… Labor are 100% united behind Julia Gillard as PM, aren’t they?

Listen to former Chief Whip, Joel Fitzgibbon, lay it all down on the table to Triple J yesterday afternoon.

Mr Fitzgibbon was one of many Labor MP’s who fell on their sword and resigned their posts in Ms Gillard’s Ministry.

In a surprisingly frank interview, Mr Fitzgibbon calmly and clearly outlines what he and 47 others Labor MP’s (and perhaps more that didn’t have the courage of their convictions) thought about Labor’s chances at the next election under the current Prime Minister.

He also touches on exactly he feels is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Yep, that sounds like a united team totally focussed on taking this country forward for the betterment of all Australians.

The Australian Labor Party – It just doesn’t get much better than this.


We’re Labor, the fresh start people

Once, twice, three times the lady known as Ms Gillard has steered the Labor party towards a fresh start… At what we’re not sure but it sure isn’t Stabilidy and Cerdundy like we were all promised.

Especially with five senior Ministers and a host of up and comers… who have now gone actually.

Labor, the fresh start people


Gillard hangs on, but dumps media “reforms”

Julia Gillard has stared down another challenge to her leadership and is still Australia’s Prime Minister despite massive pressure from both the media and her fellow Labor MP’s today.

Despite pressure from Simon Crean, Kevin Rudd stood firm on his promise not to challenge Julia Gillard for the leadership of the ALP.

But despite seemingly having stared down all challengers, Julia Gillard failed to manage to even table Labor’s contentious media “reform” bill in the House of Representatives in an embarrassing backdown.

Wow. Just wow.


Rudd ready to pounce?

20130321-114853.jpgIs Kevin Rudd about to go all Lazarus on us, rising improbably from the cryogenic storage?

The Australian Financial Review reports that numbers are being crunched right now to decide the fate of not only the Labor party but also Australia’s.

This shouldn’t be how things are done in this country; back stabbing, factional wars and an odious air of contempt for the voting public.

Call an election now and let us decide who WE want, not the faceless men of the ALP party room.

Let’s not forget that regardless who leads Labor, they’re all lemons

Can’t teach an old dog new tricks

868313-faceless-menThe faceless men of the ALP.

No one really knows who these power brokers and back room dealers are, but they certainly have a lot of say in how Labor works.

But the current situation of faceless men deciding what the voting public really should isn’t something new for Left in Australian politics.

In fact it was the same kind of deal way back when Arthur Calwell was leader of the ALP back in the early 1960’s.

For those who are unfamiliar with Mr Arthur Calwell, he was a was a powerful unionist before he entered Parliament and a staunch supporter of the White Australia Policy before Gough Whitlam ousted him from the ALP leadership.

Some of that sounds pretty damn familiar doesn’t it?

Perhaps this is where Julia Gillard is getting her inspiration for her recent demonisation of productive 457 visa holders and promising to “put Australian jobs first and foreigners to the back of the queue“.

Hmmm… seems like Australian’s havent really learnt much in the past 50 years, have we?

Original Faceless men poster

Labor Lemons

The Liberals clearly aren’t wasting any time addressing the ALP’s constant leadership speculation, with a remix of their “Kevin O Lemon” advert from several years ago.

With the election not too far away and with Labor’s continual policy failures such as Nicola Roxon’s Discrimination and Human Rights Bill and Stephen Conroy’s recent Media Regulation Bill, the Liberals will barely even have to try to write their upcoming campaign adverts.

Labor is just too good at illustrating exactly how bad they are themselves on a daily basis now.

It really doesn’t matter who’s actually at the helm of the ALP, because their policies are clearly what’s hurting this country.

Labor sharpening the knives again

knivesmanOh no, looks like things are spiralling out of control for the ALP following several disastrous weeks prior Parliament returning this week.

All of this is no longer coming from the “hate media” but instead from Fairfax journalists like Peter Hartcher, who normally have very strong ties and connections to Labor insiders who are “in the know“.

Has Labor mistakenly woken up sections of the Australian media with its recent proposed media regulation bills?

Labor MP’s now collectively sound like a football president coming out strong to support an embattled coach, who then unceremoniously sack said coach the following day.

Much like when Labor MP’s openly supported former PM Kevni Rudd in 2010, only to line up and denounce him repeatedly in public in a manner like the Australian public has never seen before after Julia Gillard knifed him in the back.

With mates like these, who needs enemies?

All Tony Abbott has to do is sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy watching Labor tear itself apart… again.
