Back blogging at Dacka’s Razor

Whoa… this feels a little weird.

It’s been 2 years, 3 months, 25 days since my last post and it’s fair to say that a few things have changed but a lot of what used to get me riled up is still pretty much the same, if not a little worse.

So I have decided to once again take up the pen or more accurately the keyboard and release my thoughts from the small padded cell that is my brain and let them roam the dusty back roads of the interwebs.

I am planning on expanding my blogging to other areas, not just politics as I found a diet too rich in politics is not good for one’s health.

I have also experienced much in the past 2 years that is a little on the sad side but not that unusual so there is a rich vein of subject matter outside of politics that begs to be discussed.

However, as most will know, my thoughts and ideas are seldom the stuff made of sugar and spice, and all things nice, so there will be plenty of interesting diatribes being sent forth into the interweb ether from hereon in.

Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.


I’ll be incommunicado for a while

My wife and I have just had our first child on Saturday so the posts will be a bit light on for a little while.

Xavier James Dackiewicz was born 20th July 2013, which coincidently was my 40th birthday, weighing 6lbs 13oz.  Healthy, happy and pretty hungry!

Hats off to my lovely wife, who pushed herself through 25hrs of labour to give the little man the gift of life.  Yet another reason for me to admire and love her.

The whole amazing experience made me realise how tough and resilient she is, as I don’t know if I could have gone through that amount of pain and discomfort myself.

I have moved into proud and besotted dad mode pretty quickly, which isn’t all that surprising really. Our little man has been a long time coming.

Very happy man, if not just a little sleep deprived at the moment.


Sorry I have been a little distant lately….


This is the band of ninjas preparing to jump me

Life has an unexpected habit of creeping up on you doesn’t it?

It certainly has crept up on me and basically jumped me lately. Like a ninja.

Or more accurately, like a band of ninjas like those dudes over there →

My wife is entering the last weeks of her pregnancy so there has been a flurry of visits to the doctor and midnight runs to the service station for chocolate bars and other types of munchies!

Then there’s my current job, which is purely a stop gap measure.  It’s pretty crappy in terms of what I actually do but at least it provides a steady income and no one to really boss me around as I work in a team of one. I start in the afternoon and work through to about midnight. Good thing is that it is only four days a week!  Just a bit of a step down from what I used to do professionally but that’s OK, it’s taught me a few things about myself.

For those that dont know me personally, I left my last full time job at the start of the year because the place just wasn’t me, it was just plain awful. I hated it. Terrible work culture that thrived on personalities and petty rivalries, staffed by people with no real work ethic or sense of urgency and a crappy boss with no idea really but not surprising given he had no real qualifications and no strategic direction that you could mention. Anyway, enough about that..

My wife encouraged me to leave that crappy job because I was so unhappy, so leave I did. Problem was that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go back into the corporate world again. I felt like a square peg in a round hole, confined by a new world of OTT political correctness and a cloying sense of frustration at seemingly going through the motions each day.

More than two and a half hours a day commuting on a train surrounded by people who just seemed to exist to annoy me, to sit in a cubicle surrounded by people whose PC personalities seemed like banal cardboard cutouts posing as real people, bossed around by someone who is the epitome of the Peter Principle, to do something that really didn’t make much difference to the world in a way that didn’t seem to fit in with what I knew about the world.

So I started contemplating starting my own business dealing with digital communications and marketing, which is my principal area of expertise but I didn’t really know where to start so I just started blogging. Writing whatever came into my mind was terribly therapeutic and really helped me just empty myself of a lot of angst.


La-la-la-la…. I can’t hear you!

Again this was something that my lovely wife encouraged, as did some of my closet friends.

I think secretly that they just wanted me to stop talking to them about the things that annoyed me and if you have read my blog you will have noticed that it mostly revolved around politics.

People’s eyes glaze over once I start to let it rip so I tend to try not to talk too much about politics in person anymore. With everything that has gone on lately, that has been pretty hard but well, I did say try.

Well, to get to the point of this post.

The reason I havent been posting recently is mainly because my business has miraculously taken off! I had an colleague from a previous job (not the one I just left, a much better one from several years ago!) that touched base and asked me if I would be interested in freelancing with her on a website redevelopment. Would I be interested? Bloody oath I would!

So that’s what I have been doing for the past few weeks – Working from 10am to well after midnight each day, plus helping my wife get through the last few weeks before our little man gets here 🙂

To prove that when it rains it pours, another opportunity has just been presented to me  last night by a long time friend who I have only just recently reconnected with, funnily enough through this blog! So, it looks like I could be quite busy for the foreseeable future!

Dont get me wrong, this is not a “poor me” post, just a brief explanation of why things have been quiet around here lately.  I really do enjoy pouring my little heart out on to these pages, as well as reading the comments that some of you post in response.  I have even developed virtual friendships with some of you which I really do enjoy and appreciate, so thank you.

I am going to try to dedicate some time each weekend to posting here so hopefully you will find something to read here most weeks, but don’t be disappointed if it is not quite the same volume that I used to post.

Talk soon… Dacka

What type of format do you prefer to see on Dacka’s Razor?

mr-busy-webAs I mentioned in my previous post, things are a little hectic in the Dacka household at the moment, which has resulted in me being a little irregular with my posts.

There are so many things going on, not only in my life, but also in the world that I would dearly love to comment on but unfortunately I am struggling for time to post at will like I used to.

I need to not only determine a set publishing timeframe but also understand what type of post format you prefer to read.

I do love to refer to an issue and then give my own detailed viewpoint on it, but I also read quite extensively and as a result I come across a good number of items on other blogs and in the papers that I feel deserve and need wider circulation in order to break through the MSM blockade.

Let me know what type of post format you prefer so that I can integrate that with the results from the previous poll to determine a posting format and timetable that people are interested in.

Once again, please vote so that I can tailor things to your preferences.

Cheers… Dacka

What day do you like to read Dacka’s Razor?

11280504-cartoon-illustration-of-busy-businessmanOK so I have been a been a bit haphazard with the regularity of posts lately here at the Razor.

I am sorry for that, but I have quite a few things going in my life right at this very moment…

My wife and I are eagerly awaiting our first child, who is only about 6 weeks away, so we are busily readying the nursery and other bits and pieces around the house as well as attending the normal array of doctor appointments and the like.

On top of that, I am also busy working on getting my own business off the ground.  As anyone who has also gone through this process will understand, there are so many elements to this that it is taking up a lot of my time and energy.

To cap all of this activity off, I am also working at nights during the week in an effort to keep the money rolling in while my business is in it’s infant stages.

Phew!  So much to do and so little time!

So what I would like members of the Razor Gang (that’s you, my avid readers and followers!) to tell me is what day you would prefer to read Dacka’s Razor.

Please vote and let me know!

Cheers… Dacka

The internets is back in town

funny-cat-away-Tom-Hanks-helpJust a quick one to say sorry for the being incommunicado lately…

I have been experiencing extreme internetdownitis this week when my modem decided to no longer allow me to connect to the world wide web of weirdness.

Suffice to say it is extremely difficult to blog on a smartphone over 3G.

But the internets gods today decided to send digital manna from heaven when they gave me the inspiration to not call telstra tech support and instead contact the maker of my modem.

Ten minutes later, internets problem solved.

Now, onto blogging so as to catch up… there’s been a fair bit happening lately.


The Razor is back.. again

Feeling under the weatherSome of you may have been wondering where the Razor has been lately, while some have probably been thinking thank god he has stopped talking for a while.

Just to let you know I have been struggling a bit lately through illness and this has affected my posting but I’m back to feeling 100% and ready to get back on the tools so to speak.

There have been lots of topics to discuss in the past few weeks so I better get back into it…

My plans to take over the world

Good morning to all of you members of The Razor Gang!

Things are looking up here at Dacka’s Razor with a potential new multimedia career opening up as we speak, type, read or whatever it is that you do on the internet.

Hang on, I dont think I really want to know what some of you do on the internet in the dark of night.

OK, back to my plans for World Domination™

That’s right, The Razor is no longer content with thrusting my opinionated thoughts out in the blogosphere, I am planning to take the media world by storm or at least a slight sprinkle to start off with and working my way up from there.

I’m in discussions at the moment with an unnamed benefactor about commencing a weekly podcast that will be aired on a soon to be launched private internet radio station thingy. Ohhhhh… doesn’t that sound exciting?!

I’ve also set up a new dedicated Twitter feed @DackasRazor, so if you’re into all things twitty be sure to follow my feed as I will be concentrating on things with a political / current affairs slant via that dedicated feed.

Onwards and upwards my friends and comrades in arms!  Let us continue our fight to Cut through the Spin

The Razor has been a bit blunt lately

Reading reports of The Goose’s superannuation “reforms” and Gillard’s claims that a Rhodes Scholar with an Economics degree was an “economic simpleton” would be enough to make anyone feel like their head was going to explode.

As much as I would like to blame them I’m really not sure that it was reading about Gillard and her moronic gang of cronies that did me in, more likely just a serious dose of the common head cold that has caused me to lay low for the last few days.

So, sorry for the recent lack of posts guys…

But the good news for The Razor Gang (that’s you guys) is that I’ve busted out the whet stone (and some cold and flu tablets) to grind away those dull edges in my mind.

Tomorrow morning will see Dacka’s Razor back in full swing, cutting through the sinew and gristle of the Australian media to bring you all a few tasty bones to chew on.

Until tomorrow, hang tight.

Cheers… Dacka