Dear Leader’s carbon neutral energy policy

Courtesy of Samuel J over at Catallaxy Files comes this great find, exclusive footage of Kevni Jong Il announcing his new carbon neutral energy policy for Australia. (Slight language warning)

Classic! Best impersonation of Dear Leader that I have seen yet.

Funny thing is, it’s not too far from the truth!

Kev the Survivor of Kokoda

Our Dear Leader, Kev Jong Il is one tough, resilient bloke.  He’s been everywhere and done everything, man… even surviving the infamous Kokoda Track.

I’m sure that my grandfather and his mates really appreciated his input while fighting the Japanese on the Track during World War II.

I think our Dear Leader might have even nursed my dear old Pop through the bout of dysentery that almost finished him off while he was lying in the jungles of PNG.

Fair dinkum, could this bloke be any more insulting to the memory of the many Diggers that fought and died valiantly in PNG jungles or returned home as mere shadows of the men that they used to be than to insinuate that he too was a “survivor of the Kokoda Track” “way back then“?

Kevin Rudd isn’t fit to even polish the boots or carry the rucksacks of those indomitable heroes that protected our country, our values and our way of life from the invading Japanese army during those dark days in 1942.

He’d be lucky to be even mentioned in the same breath as those heroes of World War II.

Much like his narcissistic ego, his effrontery knows no bounds.



Vale William Bertrum Gilbert II – RIP Pop x

If you can’t govern yourselves, then you can’t govern the country

If this is what his own team say about him what does it say about them now that they elected him leader of the ALP again? Are they hypocrites or just shameless carpetbaggers protecting their cushy sinecures?

How can Australian’s have such a short memory to have forgotten that Rudd was a dismal failure the first time around?

Is it our diet of Big Brother and Masterchef that has rotted our collective brains? Flooded by a diet of vacuous narcissists vying to be popular for popular’s sake we have forgotten to question actual performance and efficacy.

Is it a left leaning media’s obsession with the banal utterings on Twitter that has masked the feelings of the silent majority with the faux outrage of the Perpetually Offended and Outraged (POOs)?

We have been hoodwinked into thinking that a 30 second trend by 1% of people on a platform that has less than 10% of the population participating is indicative of how the wider community feels.

Wake up Australia, our future is calling.

World’s highest carbon prices just got higher

The money shot is the collective smiles on the faces of Kev Jong Il and The Real Julia as the walked out of Parliament after securing the vote to legislate that what they promised would never be.

How many businesses have closed since the implementation of Labor and the Greens carbon tax?

How many people have lost their jobs?

How much has our power bills gone up?

Rudd’s record

Finally, after several weeks of Kev Jong Il poncing around the country, the Liberals have launched their Rudd Offensive.

Part one of a series of TV adverts that begins today illustrates quite clearly that Dear Leader is the prime architect of the majority of Labor’s ill fated policies, policies that have brought us nothing but pain, now and into the future.

He’s not the messiah, he’s just a puffed up egomaniac who is unfit to govern.

Election now please.

So what does the manual say about the polls Joel?

From Andrew Bolt comes a startling insight from former Labor Chief Whip, Joel Fitzgibbon, into the joke that Labor has become, even to those inside Labor itself.

When asked whether he was shattered about todays Newspoll results that show Labor almost beyond salvation Mr Fitzgibbon pulls out the official Labor playbook to give the suggested response to any questions  relating to the disastrous figures.

And laughs. OMG could this bunch be any WORSE?

I think we know the answer, but lets go to the tape.

The poll that Kochie is referring to is the latest Newspoll which clearly shows that Labor’s support is falling faster than a lead balloon and is heading to Tarago country.

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