Kev the Survivor of Kokoda

Our Dear Leader, Kev Jong Il is one tough, resilient bloke.  He’s been everywhere and done everything, man… even surviving the infamous Kokoda Track.

I’m sure that my grandfather and his mates really appreciated his input while fighting the Japanese on the Track during World War II.

I think our Dear Leader might have even nursed my dear old Pop through the bout of dysentery that almost finished him off while he was lying in the jungles of PNG.

Fair dinkum, could this bloke be any more insulting to the memory of the many Diggers that fought and died valiantly in PNG jungles or returned home as mere shadows of the men that they used to be than to insinuate that he too was a “survivor of the Kokoda Track” “way back then“?

Kevin Rudd isn’t fit to even polish the boots or carry the rucksacks of those indomitable heroes that protected our country, our values and our way of life from the invading Japanese army during those dark days in 1942.

He’d be lucky to be even mentioned in the same breath as those heroes of World War II.

Much like his narcissistic ego, his effrontery knows no bounds.



Vale William Bertrum Gilbert II – RIP Pop x

3 comments on “Kev the Survivor of Kokoda

  1. Yeah, I guess he’s very similar to Abbott who, when in Afghanistan, said “shit happens” in response to being told of the death of an Aussie soldier.

    His compassion knows no bounds.



    • Hmmm… not really Cartoon Mick.

      In fact your verballing of Tony Abbott is quite comical, which suits your moniker down to the ground.

      Abbott has never tried to pass himself off as something he wasn’t or allude that he had experienced anything like what our brave soldiers have.

      You have actually misrepresented what Abbott actually said in that discussion with ADF personnel on the ground in Afghanistan.

      The “shit” that happened was the actual firefight didn’t go the way that the ADF expected.

      It is indicative that NONE of the ADF personnel that Abbott was talking to objected to the phrase or the context that it was made.

      Back in the real world, the commander of Australia’s Middle East forces, Major General Cantwell and US commander Jim Creighton didn’t accuse Abbott of making light of Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney’s death, in fact they supported Abbott’s comments and overall stance.

      Colonel Creighton says of the digger’s death: “Was it tragic? Absolutely. But we’re all in the knowledge that all the stuff (firepower support) you see here and more was available on the day.”

      In response, Mr Abbott says: “It’s pretty obvious that, well, sometimes shit happens, doesn’t it.”

      Immediately, Major General Cantwell replies: “It certainly does, yeah.”

      The defence association’s executive director, Neil James, says no digger or their family would think the opposition leader’s comments insensitive “once they know the context”.

      “They’re discussing the skirmish … and Tony Abbott makes his comment ‘Sometimes shit happens’ and John Cantwell says straight away ‘It certainly does’,” Mr James told AAP.

      “They’re discussing the fact that in war tragedies sometimes occur.”

      So, in actual fact, Abbott was indeed showing compassion and understanding of the situation faced by our soldiers on the ground.

      Just ask yourself and try to answer honestly, who would you rather have beside you in a foxhole?

      Kevin “I’ve got to zip” Rudd or Tony “Oxford Blue” Abbott? I’d have Abbott next to me every time.

      As for compassion, how do you square away the latest additions to the death toll of Labor’s “more compassionate” border policy?

      220 asylum seekers have either drowned or vanished this year and the running total is over 1000 dead, including women and children.

      If this is what you consider compassion then you need your head read my friend.


    • And for the record, I honestly wish Abbott had wacked Mark “How can we help you Prime Minister” Riley right in the gob when he disgustingly tried to trivalise and politicise the whole incident during his infamous ambush interview.

      I think a vast majority of Australians would have applauded the act and it would have given the sycophantic arse kisser his rightful comeuppance.

      Unfortunately for the Australian public, Riley and the rest of the Canberra Press Gallery didn’t take former PM Gillard’s advice to “not write crap” on board.

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