3 comments on “Oh Eddie, how could you be so dumb?

  1. Eddie thinks he is above all this racism stuff, good ole boy Eddy.
    Goodes is now a proven bully. When people look at him as the pass him in the street he knows they will be thinking…’there goes the footballer who bullied a 13 yo girl’
    Demetriou is fake.

    • G’day Bazza,

      MacGuire has been hoisted on his own petard but that is the problem of playing identity politics isn’t it? Sooner or later you too will come unstuck.

      As for Goodesy, I don’t think he bullied the girl.. He just over reacted to her inadvertently “racist” comment as he ran past her sitting right on the fence.

      Once he pointed her out, there was no going back for him. I don’t agree with his comment bout her being the face of racism, that’s just hyperbole.

      I think all the talk of Winmar’s legitimate stance 20 years ago had wound up the indigenous guys, as well as everyone else in the AFL community. Instead of McCarthyism and their “reds under the beds” I think it was a case of looking for rednecks under the bed instead.

      Demetriou has once again shown his true colours, which is socialist to the core. Not the first time he has helped to re-tribalise footy. Instead of Collingwood vs Richmond vs Carlton it is now about the tribes of racial identity and degrees of victim hood.

      With that said, we as white men will never understand what indigenous people go through in terms of casual racism, as Harry O put it on AFL 360 last night.

      In that regard I do think Harry has a point, but it is all part of the Fabian agenda worldwide, first divide, then have us jumping at shadows, afraid to speak unless it is the approved, political correct version of whatever topic or issue.

      As Barack Obama said in a recent speech to an African American only college, while there is an underlying current of racism what modern people call racism is nothing compared to what past generations had to endure.

      In the modern world, everyone’s a victim baby…

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