The internets is back in town

funny-cat-away-Tom-Hanks-helpJust a quick one to say sorry for the being incommunicado lately…

I have been experiencing extreme internetdownitis this week when my modem decided to no longer allow me to connect to the world wide web of weirdness.

Suffice to say it is extremely difficult to blog on a smartphone over 3G.

But the internets gods today decided to send digital manna from heaven when they gave me the inspiration to not call telstra tech support and instead contact the maker of my modem.

Ten minutes later, internets problem solved.

Now, onto blogging so as to catch up… there’s been a fair bit happening lately.


5 comments on “The internets is back in town

    • To be honest rambles, it was a bit of a throwaway line 🙂

      I just checked the NBN rollout map and there are several pockets in our development area that already have access, but the map says that it will be at least another 12 months for our street.

      I actually didnt know what seat Mernda was in so thanks for letting me know, which is a bit poor on my behalf I guess. Reason being that I havent taken much notice is that I can’t actually vote (despite voting in several elections previously), as I am not actually an Australian citizen! I’m a permanent resident because I was born in England. Long story but I was brought to Australia by my mum (who is Australian) when I was about 8mths old. She thought she had me nationalised in 1973 at Australia House in London but I found out only a few years ago when I applied for my Australian passport that I actually wasn’t a citizen. They no longer allow dual citizenship with the UK and I didn’t want to give up my EU passport. But I also have an Australian passport too that I use to get in and out of Australia. Use the EU one everywhere else. It is extremely handy for OS travel, particularly Europe where I have travelled a few times. No waiting in line at customs 😉

      But I do consider myself to be 100% Australian. Just cant vote, which I am not that disappointed about to be honest, pretty disenfranchised from the voting practice here in Australia. But that doesn’t stop me from having my opinion on things I guess 🙂

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