Looking at new tech – HTC One

As many of you would already know, I just love technology… especially the latest and greatest smartphones, tablets and games.

So in a bid to keep things fresh and interesting here at Dacka’s Razor, I’ve decided to also start blogging about technology as well as politics and things that get my goat, just to help lighten things up a bit and diversify the types of things that I talk about.

For close friends, my love of HTC smartphones will come as no surprise.

Ever since ditching the iPhone several years ago and embracing the wonderful Android platform, I have pretty much stuck with HTC. I just love the build quality of their handsets and their user interface (icons and menus etc).

I did flirt momentarily with the idea of switching over to the Galaxy SIII after my wife recently got a Galaxy Note II, but I just didn’t like the look and feel of their handsets.  They feel a little “plasticky” and I definitely dont like their UI.  HTC’s UI just seems so much more polished and refined in comparison.

I currently have the HTC One XL, which is the best HTC handset currently available in Australia on the Telstra network and with its 4G capability it is a pretty awesome phone.  But now HTC have reimagined this handset into the HTC One.

Initially, I felt that this design rejig made the phone look a little too much like the iPhone but as this review from The Verge illustrates, it really is one of the best Android handset to be released so far.  Pity I’ve got another 12 months to go on my contract because I would love one of these babies!

Let the Razor know what you think...