Well, that’s all settled… or is it?


Julia Gillard’s leadership battles are all over, done and dusted… Labor are 100% united behind Julia Gillard as PM, aren’t they?

Listen to former Chief Whip, Joel Fitzgibbon, lay it all down on the table to Triple J yesterday afternoon.

Mr Fitzgibbon was one of many Labor MP’s who fell on their sword and resigned their posts in Ms Gillard’s Ministry.

In a surprisingly frank interview, Mr Fitzgibbon calmly and clearly outlines what he and 47 others Labor MP’s (and perhaps more that didn’t have the courage of their convictions) thought about Labor’s chances at the next election under the current Prime Minister.

He also touches on exactly he feels is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Yep, that sounds like a united team totally focussed on taking this country forward for the betterment of all Australians.

The Australian Labor Party – It just doesn’t get much better than this.


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