Has the ALP woken the sleeping giant that is the Australian media?

159110-page-1-19-3-13Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are two of the most fundamental cornerstones of our democracy.

One of the main objectives for a free press is about taking a stand against the orthodoxy of the day and holding people to account that might otherwise be untouchable due to their power and influence.

The ALP’s recent foray into trying to limit press freedom here in Australia has been vehemently opposed by News Limited from the word go, but now it seems that all of Australia’s media bosses are singing from the same hymn sheet.

This is no longer seen as just a ham fisted attempt to stop News Ltd from portraying the Gillard Government as extremely dysfunctional and beholden only to union heavies and faceless factional bosses, it is now seen as the true affront to our freedom that it truly is.

The Herald Sun reports that Kerry Stokes from Seven West Media, Greg Hywood from Fairfax Media and others joined Kim Williams from News Ltd yesterday to condemn the proposed media regulation Bills that are now before Parliament when they appeared before a Parliamentary committee to discuss the proposal’s impact on not only their businesses but also upon Australia’s democracy.

It is time Australians woke up to the totalitarian instincts that seem to be firmly entrenched in not only the ALP’s DNA but also within The Greens.

Neither party want diversity in the media, they just want to escape the searing light of scrutiny from the “hate media” for their repeated failures in nearly all areas of public policy that they have proposed.  Both parties pander to an increasingly dwindling voter base and are becoming more desperate as time goes on.

September 14, 2013 cannot come soon enough for an Australian electorate that is fast becoming sick of the inflammatory rhetoric of an increasingly chaotic government.

2 comments on “Has the ALP woken the sleeping giant that is the Australian media?

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